Top Beagle Puppy 2016 CH Dialynne Peter Piper
BIS Midland Counties 2016
Puppy Stakes finalist
Top Australian Shepherd- Multi CH Hearthside Man of Mystery at Dialynne (Imp) - Also Top Pastoral
BIS Bath 2016
Champion Stakes finalist
2 All breed Championship Show Best in Show winners
Welcome to the Website of the world famous Dialynne Beagles.
As you browse though the pages of our Site, you will find photos of the Dialynne Champions, past and present. Scan through the pages and see head studies showing super correct expressions, free from wrinkle or frown, something that Dialynne Beagles are justly world famous for.
Look up the history of the Dialynne Kennel, and see just how many British champions there are that bear this top winning prefix. There are Dialynne Beagles in most serious dog showing nations in the world.